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Castles and Palaces in Baden-Wuerttemberg |

This book primarily aims to arouse joy for the immense wealth of high-quality castles and palaces in Baden-Württemberg (Southern Germany). The history of castles and palaces also spans in this book the wide range from Romanesque to Gothic and Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism to Historicism, from the 12th to the 19th century.
The building of stone castles typically rises also in this region in the 11th century. But what is still visible mostly dates back to the 12th century. It was the great Staufer period, unfolding from the late Romanesque to the early Gothic, which shows the corresponding results to this day. Exemplary are the castles Liebenzell and Steinsberg. The subsequent high and late Gothic brought the climax of the construction of castles and strongholds, the medieval fortification steadily improving, thereby often expanding Romanesque castles, enabling a charming interaction of these two styles. The castles Hohenbaden, Hornberg, Wertheim and many others present themselves in this regard.
A turning point must be seen the Renaissance. On the one hand the fortress construction is perfected (for example the fortresses of Hochburg Hachberg and Hohentwiel), on the other hand, the fortification of castles often was reduced in favor of greater comfort and representation. The best example is the famous Heidelberg Castle. This development finds its last increase in the Baroque, in the construction of large palaces, which serve as residences above all the absolutist power and unfolding of splendor. The palaces in Bruchsal, Karlsruhe, Ludwigsburg, Schwetzingen and Rastatt were selected as appropriate models.
Sobriety and brevity characterize the epoch of classical palace building in Baden-Württemberg. Like a respite for the tremendous achievement of Historicism from the middle of the 19th century. The time of the "Fairytale Castles" created structures of the most picturesque effect, such as Hohenzollern Castle, Sigmaringen Castle, Lichtenstein Castle and others. Medieval purists are frowned upon by these works, an understatement that by no means joins this book.
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